Edenway facilitates the digital transformation of cities and companies through the implementation of specific solutions focused on improving the services and experience of end users:

Definition of digital transformation strategies in a territory

Implementation of training program and digital change management

Big data expert analysis. Detection of data exploitation opportunities

Definition and coordination of new digital services

Projects of public-private and citizen participation in the digital transition

Set-up and management of pilot projects to capture and manage information


MOBI-LISE: a platform to understand mobility


A multidisciplinary consortium formed in the framework of a bidding process of ADEME (Agency of the Environment and the French Energy Management).
Territories need to understand better the mobility of their inhabitants in order to make decisions regarding the implementation of public policies and new mobility services.
Edenway launched and coordinated an experimental research project called “mobi-lise” with 13 partners (large groups, SMEs, startups, mixed-economy companies, and universities). Quantitative and qualitative data were provided, conducive to constitute a decision support tool for public authorities in charge of transportation.
A mobile application as well as a Big Data and a web platform were developed, 65 local organizations were involved, 8319 paths were redirected, and 1614 trips were recomposed for the benefit of 140 users.

District of the future: platform for energy optimization


Consortium formed under the District of the Future project funded by the FP7 program of the European Commission.
The reduction of the energy consumption of cities through information and communication technologies (ICTs).
Edenway participated in the commissioning of the project, which had the aim of designing and testing a district-level energy consumption monitoring, programming, and modeling system. Edenway carried out the set of experiments of 3 European cities involved in the project (Orléans in France, Corby in the United Kingdom, and Sabadell in Spain), plus designed the awareness and survey methodology of people evolving in affected buildings. It then collected and analyzed various types of data to assess the economic, social, and environmental impact of the project.
Thanks to the management system and the integration of energy efficiency, and renewable energy measures, an average of 25% reduction of CO2 emissions was obtained at district level, manifesting a positive social and economic impact for the territory.

Technological projects to better mobility in the metropolitan area of barcelona


The Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona (Metropolitan Area of Barcelona), AMB Informació.
The need to make car traffic more sustainable in the Catalan metropolis raises opportunities for the implementation of technological projects.
Edenway acts as the “Project Management Office“, defining the strategy and the implementation of 3 pilot projects:

– A “park & ride” service designed to encourage travelers to park on the periphery and use public transportation to get to the city center.

– An access control tool for “Protected atmosphere urban areas” through the use of license plate recognition cameras and intelligent data management.

– An interoperable mobile application between municipalities, for the management of regulated parking areas.

The project and pilot testing are currently under development.